What color to paint the walls in the children’s room: creative options and tips for choosing paint
We tell you what paint, color and way of painting to choose for a child’s room.
The tradition of decorating a girl’s room in pink shades, and a boy’s – in blue, fortunately, is long past. Today, painting the walls in the children’s room involves not trivial color combinations and creating an interior that would emphasize the individuality of the child.
Advantages of paint
- Unlike wallpaper, the painted surface is not afraid of drawings with felt-tip pens, watercolors and pencils.
- It is easy to care for, it can be washed. In a pinch, you can remove traces of creativity simply by painting over the top layer.
- The paint is not afraid of moisture and will not peel off like wallpaper.
But there are disadvantages, too. In the case where the surface has many imperfections and irregularities, you will need preparation. Alignment sometimes becomes a long and difficult process.
Choosing the color
In an effort to create a stylish interior, adults, alas, often forget about the most important thing – the child himself. Maybe in the photo dark options for painting walls in the nursery and look stylish, interesting, but hardly make a three-year-old baby happy. Moreover, psychologists say that color affects not only the mood, but even the development of children. That’s why it’s so important to consider their age when decorating.
For newborns
Scientists have found out that up to two months, the baby does not perceive colors, he sees only black and white, and perceives the contrast: dark – light. Color perception develops gradually and is not fully formed until 7-9 months of age. At this age, your baby begins to see the world as an adult.
The first colors it sees are in the red spectrum: red, yellow and orange. These are the colors to which a baby reacts the best. However, at this stage there is no need to paint the walls in bright colors, they can be made more neutral. And dilute the calm gamut with a catchy drawing, which the child will consider.
For preschoolers
According to psychologists, of the entire spectrum, the most favorite color for children is still the same red, in second place – yellow. At the same time, blue and green are much less popular.
What colors are absolutely rejected by children? Black, brown and gray – dark, gloomy, they are rarely used by children in drawings. It should be noted that both boys and girls participated in the research.
So what color to paint in? Definitely bright: orange, yellow and even red. The latter, as strange as it may sound to an adult, has a calming effect on children. But if you’re not ready for such an interior, the same accent coloring will help, for example, in the play area.
For school children and teenagers
The answer to the question of what color to paint the walls in the children’s room, in this case is quite obvious – let the pupil choose for himself. Afraid of an extraordinary decision? You can cheat, pre-made a palette of colors you like. And the daughter or son can choose from it. So find a compromise will be much easier.
- It is desirable to change the paint every 2-3 years to refresh or change the shade.
- Choosing a shade, take into account the orientation of the apartment by its degree of lightness. In sunny rooms are allowed both warm and cold shades. In northern and poorly lit rooms, it is desirable to choose a warmer, with a hint of ochre. This way the lack of natural light will not be noticeable.
- The classic rule of any design: to enlarge the space, use light shades. For very small spaces, colors close to the white spectrum will do.
Choosing paint
The first and most important rule is to choose a good paint that will be safe for the child. Today, manufacturers offer so many options that it is not easy to choose from this variety.
- The main criterion is environmental friendliness. As a rule, it depends on the solvent. So, substances with a base consisting of gasoline or turpentine can not be used for a child’s room. The most reliable is the label “For children”, indicated on the package.
- It is also important to choose washable compositions. In this case, it will be easier for parents to clean the drawing.
- Choose paint from reputable companies from reputable sellers. Firstly, it will ensure the quality of the material, and secondly, it reduces the chance of buying a fake.
- Of all the variety of formulations presented for children, only paints for interior work are suitable. In an extreme case – universal. The fact is that the emulsion for exterior design may contain poisonous substances, which, outdoors, have no effect on the body, but indoors cause allergic reactions.
- In addition, important indicator of wear resistance – how resistant the material to mechanical stress.
- Finally, it matters moisture resistance and water vapor permeability. These are different characteristics. The first is the resistance to moisture, and the second is how the material “breathes.” Vapor permeable paints do not trap moisture, and the chance of mold formation is minimized.
A waterborne emulsion that is safe and environmentally friendly. After application, it forms a thin protective film that is wear and moisture resistant. It is optimal in terms of price – quality ratio.
It is sold as a base of white color. To get the desired shade, you need to add a color pigment. You can do it in a store or at home by yourself.
Water emulsions based on latex polymers. Such an emulsion is stronger than acrylic, has even greater wear resistance and resistance to water. Often latex emulsion design rooms with high humidity. But, in addition, it is also used for wallpaper under painting and creating textured plaster.
The composition of this emulsion – silicone resins. However, in its pure form it is rare, most manufacturers offer acrylic-silicone mixes. It is versatile: it can be used for both interior and facade decoration. It has good resistance to mechanical damage, sunlight and antiseptic properties. But also the price is the highest of those presented.

Painting the walls in the nursery
The easiest option, how to paint the walls in the nursery – evenly with a single tone. And you can decorate the room with pictures, posters and any other accessories.
Another option is to create accents. Here are some ideas for painting the walls in the nursery:
- Vinyl stickers. From the pluses: it is easy to stick and unstick, you can change at will. But hardly such a room will be unique.
- Hand-painted. You can paint by hand with acrylic paint yourself or entrust to professionals, depending on the idea. The process is quite labor-intensive, will require effort and time.
- An interesting “adult” option is a textured surface. This can be both plaster decor, and a layer of wallpaper for painting.
- The classic combination of bright wallpaper and paint also has its place. But in this case, it is desirable to choose expensive products, the creation of an accent on which will be justified.